1990 Aotea Centre Models

1990 Aotea Centre Models

Various media

500 x 240 x 240 mm figures (estimate), 280 x 300 x 280 mm sundial (estimate)


Single edition


Media: cast bronze, wood, glass tubing and dye.

The sculpture for installation at the Aotea center was designed to indicate tides unique to the Auckland area of the Manukau and Waitemata harbors. Based on the Tower of the Winds in Athens it was re-designed as expressions of the South Pacific. The table system at the side would rise and fall to show the tide levels. And it would slowly rotate around on each of their respective bases.

The sundial was envisioned as being huge around 3 meters wide, mounted in the middle of the space that public could walk around and through. This model was produced but the full-scale piece was never made.