May 1 - May 5, 2019 Auckland Art Fair 2019

May 1 - May 5, 2019 Auckland Art Fair 2019

Art Fair, Gow Langsford Gallery, Auckland


For the 2019 Auckland Art Fair, Gow Langsford Gallery is presenting new works by Paul Dibble, Karl Maughan and Max Gimblett at Booth B8.

Paul Dibble's sculptures featuring native New Zealand birds and native flora are a recurring narrative in his wider practice. This new body of works is an extension of sculptures presented in his 2018 exhibition ‘The Poignancy of Absence’. Bronze huia, tūī and kererū sit atop branches of kōwhai flowers that glisten with accents of 24-carat gold. The unique works capture a moment in time and become symbols of our remarkable ecosystem.