October 5 - October 24, 2002 From the Dibble Workshop

October 5 - October 24, 2002 From the Dibble Workshop

Group, Thermostat Gallery, Palmerston North


This is an exhibition of a varied group of Palmerston North artists brought together by their communal work associated with the art studio of sculptor Paul Dibble. The studio is unique in that it is not only where Paul produces his models and patterns but is also a working foundry, hence the need for skilled workers.

Included in the exhibition are some smaller bronze works by Dibble (his work can be huge, several metres high), alongside examples of artwork by each of the people associated with the workshop.

The exhibition is an interesting study in showing varied art approaches from a group of individuals who work together in the production of Paul Dibble’s bronzes as well as maintaining their own independent art practice.