November 1 - December 6, 2009 Sources, Paul and Fran Dibble

November 1 - December 6, 2009 Sources, Paul and Fran Dibble

Group, Mahara Gallery, Waiheke Island, Auckland


Art starts with something. That something is not just a piece of clay or wax, or the movement of a brush or pen across a surface, but a thought. An idea is where it begins, later to be crafted into full fledged concept. And to any artistic craft the artist brings themselves, there is no blank slate, with all their personality, background, training, interests and history – these are drawn on in their expression.

Paul and Fran Dibble, each with their own artworks, often produce exhibitions together. These are collaborative, but not collaborations, artworks made that exist in their own entity, that complements each other within a space. Many of Paul’s works have drawn on artefacts, folk art and modernist art history; references to both the European and the Pacific in the settlement of New Zealand. Fran draws on science and natural history, with an interest in New Zealand’s flora. Together an exhibition that portrays a national identity is forged.

This exhibition displays a selection of both artists’ works along with articles that demonstrate some of the sources from whence they came.