1995 The Dynamics of Changing Seasons

1995 The Dynamics of Changing Seasons


1720 x 700 x 330 mm


Edition of 2


This sculpture was used as a model for a proposal to the Wellington sculpture for a large work to be made for the Wellington Botanical Gardens, but it was never built. Below is a section describing the concept.

The sculpture depicts two falling leaves and a spinning top, the leaves would be approximately four meters high. The falling bronze leaves are an analogy of the changing seasons within the garden. The spinning top contrasts with the downward movement of the leaves with its vigorous, rotating action. It acknowledges the energy and dynamism of the city and further eludes to a human presence, the park as a place of leisure and play. Essentially the sculpture aesthetically succeeds by these two contrasting actions; the gentle vertical movement of the falling leaves and the dynamic horizontal movement of the top with the whiplash of the string.